

This programme is provide to professionals, lay counsellors, schools, common interest groups and memmbers of the public those who want to equip themselves with th the skills to be able to offer the service to others in their workplace,churches, schools and in thei respective communitites

• Basic Counselling Skills
• Marital and Divorce Counselling Skills
• Stress Management Skills
• Trauma Debriefing Skills
• Anger Management Skills
• Grief Counselling Skills
• Parenting Skills


Educational/ Prevention Services

• Child/Youth Development
• Sexual Education
• Problem Solving
• Leadership
• Teenage pregnancy
• Teenage parenting
• Bullying
• Suicide
• STI's Including HIV/AIDS


Adult Capacity Building: Life - Skills for adults is divided into the following:

(a) Relationship skills:

• Communication Skills  
• Conflict Management Skills  
• Anger Manegement Skills  
• Stress Management Skills  
• Finance Management Skills  
• Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF)

(b) Marriage preparation

• Marriage Enrichment  
• Parenting

anger management

Employment Assistant Service

FAMSA EAST RAND provides supportive services to campanies and employees to provide counselling to people in the corporate arena. FAMSA deals with issues of trauma, marriage and relationship counselling, as well as anger management counselling.

anger management

Media Publicity

• Television
•Social and Print Media


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